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Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Lush Haul + Mini Review

Hi everyone! Last week I went shopping, walked past Lush and the smell drew me in. I'm very fussy when it comes to scents and bath products so not everything from Lush sparks my interest. But I ended up buying a few things. I know there has already been loads of Lush Hauls online recently but I thought some of you might still enjoy seeing what I got and reading a little 'first impressions' on what I've already used. 

As soon as I entered the shop I immediately looked for Yog Nog, as everyone seems to be loving and raving about it. Sadly I have to say I was disappointed. I just didn't get the hype. It's described as being made with moisturising soya yoghurt and a dash of festive spice. Smells very fudgy and it's dusted with aromatic cocoa powder. It's like a dessert in the shower. Yum! But I was expecting this soap to leave my skin soft and moisturised. And it didn't. Instead it made my skin very squeaky clean, which some people may like, but I prefer my shower gels / soap bars to add a little bit of hydration to my forever dry skin. So I'm afraid this isn't one for me. Just personal preference. 

I also picked up some bath bombs. 1st one was Sex Bomb. I chose it simply because of the scent. But I read the description on the website and it turns out it's the perfect bath bomb for the night to unwind, soothe worries and sleep well. Just what I needed. It's a blend of jasmine, ylang ylang and clary sage. Apparently Jasmine is an ancient aphrodisiac. I didn't know that when I bought it but I'm not complaining either. haha Plus my bathroom smelt amazing whilst I had this on my shelf. I have now used it and really enjoyed it. I'm already fancying buying another one. 

2nd bath bomb I got was Cinders. This is the only thing I haven't tried yet but I love the scent on this one too. It's a mix of sweet and spicy, a combination of vegan popping candy with stimulating cinnamon leaf oil to recreate the warmth of the hearth. I'm looking forward to using it. It should help me turn a cold day into a relaxing and cosy one. 

Lastly I decided to finally try their Lip Scrub. My lips get very dry and flaky during winter and wearing lipstick on chapped lips is not cute, right?! So I needed something to help me keep my lips smooth and I also wanted to see what it is that people love so much about this product. I picked up the bubblegum flavour and I like it. It does the job well, plus it smells and tastes good. But I'm just not sure it's worth £5.50. I've seen so many posts online on how to make our own lip scrub, I'll probably try something like that next time. I kinda feel like vaseline and sugar would do the same job, for a lot less money. 

Sorry I wasn't so positive about everything I got but I feel Lush is always a bit of hit and miss for me. But bear in mind this is just my opinion. It doesn't mean that if it doesn't work for me, it won't work for you either. :)

Have you tried any of these products? What are your thoughts on them? x


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